Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Camp Meeting Report

Being new in the Potomac Conference I’m learning many new things. Recently on the table is camp meeting. This involved me making the trek from my home base to New Market and the campus of Shenandoah Adventist Academy. All the pastors of the conference made the same trek, and on Monday morning we gathered to get assignments to prepare the grounds for camp meeting gatherings.

My assignment to crew number two landed me the job of painting the door steps of all the hotel units, and also the opportunity to become better acquainted with my fellow pastors. During the course of introductions I proudly listed Williamsburg as my church.

This statement brought smiles and nods and agreement that this is a special church. It also invited story telling. And more than one pastor told me stories of their experience with our church. Stories of warm hugs, of friendly and joyful people that made them feel welcome. Stories of youth who are empowered to use their gifts, and led by committed mentors. Stories told with joy of God’s leading in our past.

These words are recorded in Matthew 28 verses 19 and 20. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

As I listened to these stories I realized how the shape of the gospel preaching by the Williamsburg Seventh-day Adventist Church changed over the years, but the message remains the same. And where are we today in our preaching the gospel? How can we do it more effectively, more energetically, to His name’s glory? I invite you to a conversation with God, asking Him to show you how you can personally be involved in the evangelistic work of our church. To ask God to open your eyes to evangelistic methods you can personally invest your time and energy in.

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